5 Things Professional Web Designers Do Before Designing Web Pages

There are several ways to design web pages, but which one is the best? Let me tell you about the experience of professional web designers.

5 min readJun 20, 2021

There are several ways to design web pages, they may not all have the desired result, but you are the one who chooses the way, so it is better to use the experience of professionals and choose the best.
You can have your own personalized way, but I want to tell you here what I learned from working with professional web designers, so let’s learn from them.

1- What are the goals and needs of this page?

analyze sitemap for design web pages

If you plan to design a website, one of the first things you need to do is create a sitemap where you specify all the pages and their goals.
But when you design one of these pages, you need to fully explain that goal to yourself and consider all the things that are needed for that goal.
Now that you know exactly what you want, you can implement it more easily.
Let me give you an example, let’s analyze a simple Contact-Us page Ask yourself, why do I want this page? The answer is simple, to have a way to communicate with users.
Ask yourself, what do I want on this page? For example, we need an HTML form to submit messages, a map & address of the office, a little text about the support process.
I have given a brief explanation about the Contact-Us page, you may have much more and broader needs.
So write down all your ideas on paper so you can analyze them properly.

2- Interact with design style and website template

Interact with design style and website template for design web pages
Skeuomorphism VS Flat Design VS Neumorphism

Your website template and design style are also among the things you choose at the beginning of web design.
But what impact does that have on the design of each of your pages?
You can have various types of the same component so ask yourself questions before designing❓
How to create an easy user experience❓
If you answer this question for all the components you have on your web page, it means you can skip this part and go to the next step.
Now let’s look at another example, for adding social media icons to the Contact-Us page.
now, you should determine what this should be like. should it be displayed as a list of icons or in a circular menu?
You can make this decision based on what you know about the website and its users.
I think it’s better to talk to the customer in the beginning to get that knowledge about its business and how exactly its customers are.

3- Draw Sketch

Draw Sketch for design web pages — amisiy
Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

You have decided what you want and how it should be, Now you have to determine where they should be.
Ask yourself where my elements should be so that users can easily access them, You may have different ideas, so it’s best to explore them all, but wait a minute!!!
If you do this in your mind, you may forget something, you can do it with various applications, but it may take you a lot of time.
So what is the best? Quickly pick up a pencil and paper and come up with all the ideas you have for your page, ask yourself and others which one is better❓
Which one attracted the most opinions? It can be your primary design.

4- Wireframing

Wireframing With Various Application for design web pages

Wait, don’t rush into the design, now is not the time❗️
create a wireframe of your primary design, do this with any software you like ( Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, Or Photoshop ).
it will help you a lot because you may change your mind or not like the design at all.
So in this way you actually save time.

❌ Important ❌
In step number 3, you should draw your sketches on paper.
In step number 4, you need to create a schematic of your primary design in an application.
These steps may seem similar to you, but this way you can manage time and keep the margin of error to a minimum.💯

5- Make yourself a challenge with a review

Consult for design web pages — amisiy

You now have a wireframe, best to review it thoroughly, if you like it you can start designing, but if you don’t like it
Look for a finding problem first, if you quickly think of something that will make your design more interesting, do that.
If you couldn’t realize something specific, you can create another design or consult with someone else to create what you want.
This step ends when you are happy with your design.
After that, you can start designing your page with any application you want.

this way may seem long and a little difficult to you, but let me say that this is one of those ways to have a pleasant result for you and take you to the next level in your career.




Web Developer | NULLA team • Want to share the things that inspired me in web design and development with you